
Sunday, July 1, 2012


This is my third trip to the DR. Last Thursday night I was frantically packing to make sure I didn't forget any necessities. As we pack to leave our hotel in Bani, I realize I brought way too much stuff. 

Each year, I also pack expectations of how this trip will go. We all tuck them into our suitcases with everything else. We can't help it. It's part of us. If you've never been here before, you have some idea of how things should go. Typically they don't go that way. That is very frustrating. If you have been here, you have an idea of how things worked before. Guess what? They never work the same way twice. That, too, is frustrating.
For me, this year, I have learned to let go. I have no control over anything that happens here except how I respond to it. I spent the week painting. Monday morning, Webster, Tom and I started scraping ceilings and walls. Then our Dominican helpers entered to start painting the ceilings so that the rest f our group could paint the walls in the afternoon. As the week progressed, all three of us were less meticulous as we worked to get the job done. It is truly amazing what a coat of paint will do even if the job isn't done to our standards. 
As a group, we have learned to just roll with it. A desk top can be used as a paint palette. Tissue paper can transform a plain room into a place for a fiesta! But, a shovel doesn't really work as a paint scraper. I hope that each one of us will take this lesson home with us. I know I will.
Initially, Saturday was going to be a "finish painting day." Thank goodness, Milquella said that we were done. Instead, we got to sleep in and have some personal time in the morning before heading to church for lunch. Then, we piled EVERYONE into a gua-gua and Milquella's Honda and headed to the beach. What a pleasant surprise. The beach is located at Punta Salinas. We spent the afternoon swimming and relaxing in a beautiful cove.
And, now we have returned from our final service at Transfiguracion and are ready to head to Santo Domingo. We take with us the love of every one we met this week. I expect we'll carry that with us for a long time.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks MYM for the realistic lesson about doing the best you can, and letting that be enough. It is certainly one that I will use this week as I continue to work on writing a grant for work. It is something I have never done before, it is very difficult and time consuming, it has a deadline, and I have very little control over what happens. I have to trust my work and let go of the rest. That was the perfect Monday morning moment. Thanks.
