
Monday, June 23, 2014

Proclaiming the Good News of Christ

Hola from the Christ Church Mission Team.  Today was our first day of Bible School.  We had about 80 children from age 4 to about 14.  Some have returned from previous years and have certainly grown physically and spiritually!  They were so glad to see us and we were greeted enthusiastically.  Many even remembered our names!
Our opening began with lots of cheerful children’s voices singing the songs which Ashley and Rosa led.  Then we divided the children into classes by age, and they participated in art, music, story and games.  Our story was based on the scripture of proclaiming the good news of Christ.  The craft project we did was to make a microphone out of rolled newspaper, black plastic bags and various colors and designs of duct tape.  The children then proclaimed their good news!
One young boy was just sitting and not participating. Rebecca noticed him and went to help him get started on his microphone.  When he had finished, he proclaimed his good news, “Jesus loves me!”  He got it!
Our first day of mission was successful.  We are tired, but ready and excited to return tomorrow.  Keep us in your prayers.

In Christ,  Deb and Ann (and the Mission Team)

1 comment:

  1. Keeping you all in my prayers.
    Support us, Lord, all the day long, until the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and our work done; then Lord, in your mercy, give us safe lodging, a holy rest and peace at the last. Amen. ~ A New Zealand Prayer Book
